Welcome to Faujisahab Paintwale

Your home deserves nothing but the best. This is why we started Faujisahab paintwale, to make sure you'll get the most reliable service from one of our dedicated experts. Learn more about what we offer below.


Faujisahab Paint Wale

Hony Capt Ravindra Singh served in the Indian Army for 30 years. After retirement he started Faujisahab Paintwale in 2016. Since then we have served 5000+ happy customers all over Jaipur.

In our daily routine, we put in a lot of thought into every little thing we do, making sure you get high-quality and outstanding service.


Decorating your dream home, one stroke at a time

We are experts in decorating a home you saw in your dreams. From interior and exterior painting to furniture restoration & more, we take pride in transforming spaces into a cocoon of your own. We do what we do, with passion for design and a commitment to quality.

Interior Painting

Your home aesthetics elevated with a spalsh of color

Exterior Painting

Make a lasting first impression with our exterior painting service

Furniture Painting

Make a lasting first impression with our exterior painting service

Metal Painting

We provide protection & aesthetics for shiny objects too


Our Professional Services

Residential /Commercial Painting
Tile Grouting
Industrial Painting
Water Proofing
Interior painting
Wall repair & Highlights
Door & Window Painting
Cracks, Chips off & Stain remover

Why Choose Us

We do not promise you the moon. We can bring it to you. We believe in painting your dreams not your pockets. Choose wise. Choose us.

Accurate area measurement
Genuine quality
Dedicated management
trained painters
Furniture masking
post service cleanup
On-time project completion

How it Works

Simple & stunning home transformations with a touch of magic

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Consultations with
our expert

Possibilities unlock with our professional guidance

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Choose Affordable
Package Service

Select a budget friendly package for a perfect transformation

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Efficient Delivery

We combine precision and efficiency for a success you would like to see

We believe in a colourful home, and a much greener world

Plants bring prosperity and health. Here is a good will gesture from us as your well-wishers.
We help your house, become your home. Let us come together for a better cause.

Our Testmonials

Hear the words from people who put their trust in us

Our Latest Projects

Your dream, our art. Your wall, our canvas.